Thanks to the Rocky Mountain Outlook for reviewing Far & Wide, which highlights the very best places to visit across Canada. It was published by Frommer’s, but one of the contributing authors was our own Andrew Hempstead, who gets a plug (along with Summerthought Publishing) in the review, which can be read here. The Outlook says:
This unique and glossy full-colour offering is an ideas book and as such it offers a week-by-week, month-by-month guide to the best Canada has to offer, such as tasting the Salt Plains at Wood Buffalo National Park, immersing yourself in the Lore of Anne of Green Gables or placing your bets at the World Miniature Horse Chuckwagon Championship. Nine of Frommer’s guidebook authors, including Banff-based writer and owner of Summerthought Publishing Andrew Hempstead, offered numerous suggestions as to what they thought are the best bets for their particular region.