by support | Feb 21, 2018 | book, review, Ted E.J. Hart
Thanks to Rob Alexander of the Rocky Mountain Outlook for a comprehensive review of the Cave and Basin by Ted Hart. Alexander’s review can be read here: Cave and Basin book offers context, clarity on history of hot springs. Alexander’s review included the... by support | Aug 12, 2017 | book, Ted E.J. Hart
Announcing the release of our latest book, Cave and Basin, which is now available from retailers throughout the Canadian Rockies, as well as from major online book retailers for $14.95 This is the first book ever published dedicated entirely to the Cave and Basin in... by support | Jun 12, 2015 | Banff, review, Ted E.J. Hart
Great to see positive reviews for Banff: A History of the Park and Town from both our local newspapers this week. The Rocky Mountain Outlook review (4 June 2015) is here: New book shares a tale of two Banffs The RMO review included the following: Banff: A History of... by support | Jun 1, 2015 | Banff, book launch, Ted E.J. Hart
The Whyte Museum will be hosting a launch of our newest book, Banff: A History of the Park and Town, on June 4, 2015, at 7 pm. The launch begins at 6:30 pm with coffee, tea, wine, and light snacks, to be followed at 7 pm by a reading by author Ted Hart. At around... by support | Jan 1, 2008 | Ted E.J. Hart
EJH Enterprises, featuring the writing of renowned Canadian Rockies historian E.J. (Ted) Hart, is now part of Summerthought Publishing. 01January2008